Soak on the sound is a place of healing and restoration Where ‘spa etiquette’ is practiced at all times. Here are some of our policies to ensure you the highest quality soaking experience…


Please note that showering before entering any of our tubs is mandatory….Rinse away your day and prepare yourself to indulge in the Soak experience! To aid in the release of toxins, and keep the lymph flowing vitally, taking ‘cold plunge’ showers in the middle of your soak experience is highly recommended, as well as showering to complete your visit before you go…


Please Stay Hydrated! Drink plenty of water before and after all services. We recommend 8ozs of water for every 15 minutes of heat. Enjoy filtered self-serve water ‘on-tap’ in our lobby. We have cups for you here, or you may bring your own BPA-free plastic or Stainless Steal water bottle to use throughout your visit. Staying hydrated will ensure your best results, aid in detox, and you will leave feeling amazing. Soaking can stir up an appetite…we have light snacks for sale in our shop, but do not recommend soaking on a full stomach.


Advance booking is ALWAYS recommended for all of our services. We cannot guarantee walk-in availability. Bookings can be made online or via phone. We endeavor to make your experience at Soak as flawless, elegant and supported as possible, every visit! Gratuities are welcomed and appreciated!


When arriving for a pre-booked Private Tub, Private Sauna or Soak & Sauna Suite, please arrive 5 mins early so you can enjoy an unhurried transition.


Reservation cancellations require 24 hours notice. We take your credit card information at the time of booking for cancellation purposes only, you will only be charged in the case of a cancellation or no show. You may cancel prior to 24 hours in advance of your reservation online, or by calling the front desk at 360.385.4100. If a cancellation or missed reservation occurs under 24 hours in advance, you will be charged the full cost of existing reservation. Please understand that we have declined other appointments to save your Tub or Sauna, thank you. CANCELLATION PROTECTION: By selecting a Cancellation Protection Appointment when booking online or over the phone, you may cancel your reservation up to 15 minutes before the start of your appointment, for any reason, and only incur the cost of the Cancellation Protection Fee for that particular Service (varies), vs being subject to our standard cancellation policy which incurs a charge for the entirety of the missed appointment.


Throughout the facility, all conversation should be kept quiet and to a minimum. Please remember you have come here to relax, and tune in to yourself, please do not assume other guests want to hear (or engage with) your conversations. This is a big part of spa etiquette, and our staff may remind you with a knock on the door if you have temporarily forgotten. NOTE: even in the private rooms, sound carries! Please remember you are in a public space, NOT your bathtub at home! No playing of personal music is permitted.


We want you to feel comfortable during your time at Soak! Please be respectful at all times. Our private tub rooms, private saunas and Soak & Sauna Suite are just that, private, soak and sauna as you wish! Sexual behavior of any sort is not tolerated. Please wear clothing, a towel or spa wrap in the lobby and deck areas.


Please silence your cell phone before entering Soak! We ask for absolutely no cell phone use during your stay. We will ask you to step outside if you must take a call. While we provide a safe environment at Soak, we cannot guarantee your belongings will be secure, so please be mindful of your valuables, or leave them in the car/at home.


Our tubs and saunas are HOT…children under the age of 12 are not allowed in the facility past the front entry bench. Persons 18 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Please remember, Soak is a tranquil, spa environment. Horse-play, loud voices, or inappropriate conversation topics or volume will not be tolerated.


Our staff are here to serve you. Please let us know if you need anything! Please inform us of any medical condition you have concerns about, if you see something inappropriate, if something feels unsafe or unclean, if you need us to get you a glass of water, or whatever it may be! We are here to serve you, and it is our pleasure.

All of our policies are in place to serve you best. Comments and suggestions are always welcome! We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason.