These are unprecedented times! We believe our Services are more relevant than ever in this current moment, and we are DEDICATED to providing the safest possible experience for our guests and staff!


  • "There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas. Proper operation and maintenance, including State-regulated disinfection protocols, of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water."
  • Each of our tubs is sanitized ABOVE State-regulated standards for pools & spas, with the addition of a high-grade UV (Ultraviolet) purification system for every tub.


  • All private tub rooms and private saunas will be thoroughly disinfected before and after each guest.
  • Each private tub is operated by an individualized filtration system which circulates and purifies the water completely every ten minutes.
  • All common area surfaces will be continuously disinfected.
  • Air circulates completely with fresh air in each private room in under 10 minutes.
  • Our upgraded air filtration system includes filters specifically made to remove Viruses from the air.
  • We have remodeled the bathhouse to provide touchless, wipeable surfaces throughout.


  • Guests will be reminded of health requirements when they schedule their appointment.
  • Any guest experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms will be politely asked to reschedule at a later date.
  • All guests and employees experiencing symptoms will be asked to follow CDC guidelines regarding duration of self-isolation before coming back into the bathhouse.


  • Guests will be asked to arrive no sooner than 5 minutes before the start of their appointment to limit 'crowding' in the lobby.
  • Guests will follow current CDC requirements regarding masks inside the facility lobby.
  • We will be maintaining the recommended six feet distance between our guests during their service and staggering our appointment check in times.